Dear Friends,
There has been a lot of change in the air since our last newsletter. We have recently had a change of Prime Minister. Sadly, we have seen the death of Queen Elizabeth the second; and we now have a new King Charles the Third. The church of Scotland is also going through a time of transition and change as the “Radical Action Plan” is enacted. The Presbytery of Ayr no longer exists and we are now part of the much larger newly formed Presbytery of the South West. It is right that we pray for those in authority, that they will seek Gods direction and leading in the days ahead. It is also good to remember that God never changes and he is there with us as we travel into unchartered territory. He is worthy of praise in all situations.
Over the coming months there are a number of activities that our churches will be putting on. We look forward to welcoming you to some or all of these (You will find out more in the newsletter).
Every blessing,
Rev’d Theo Corney
2nd October 2022
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