
Sunday 21st July 2024

Psalm 23

Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56

Today’s gospel reading shows how popular our Lord was becoming. He had sent out his disciples to preach the good news and display that the Kingdom of God was at hand. Then he had gathered them together to review how they had got on. In our day if we want to be successful in our discipleship, we too need to spend time in prayer and review our activities before God. We too need to listen to his words of counsel. We need to make sure we are doing what he wants rather than pleasing ourselves.

Jesus understands what it is like to go without food and to feel tired. He knew our need for times of refreshment and so he said those words to his disciples: Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Some Christians need to hear these gracious words today.

Jesus and his disciples headed across the lake to escape the crowds, but people saw where they were going and headed round the lake on foot that Jesus might heal them. Jesus didn’t send the people away but had compassion on them for they were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus taught them many things and healed their bodies. In addition to physical problems the people had a void in their lives which can only be filled with a relationship with our creator.

Jesus cares for us in our wholeness and has compassion for his people. As a good shepherd he is alongside us in our trials and will feed us and give us times of refreshment if we trust in his everlasting care.


Every blessing,

Rev`d Theo Corney