Parish Vacancy – Seeking a Minister

We are currently seeking a minister to lead us on the next stage of our journey of faith. Our website and parish profile is now available for prospective candidates.

  • Download the Parish Profile here.


During this time of vacancy our church is still open and active, and we very much appreciate those who show their support by attending services or events.

Rev. Ian McLachlan is our Interim Moderator and is doing an excellent job organising different ministers to lead our Sunday services, with our Worship Team filling in when necessary. Rev McLachlan will conduct any baptism, wedding or funeral.

If anyone knows of someone who would appreciate a visit, or who would like a prayer to be said, please let Claire Pirrie or any Church elder know.

During the Christmas season we had some wonderful services and concerts and thanks go to everyone who participated or supported us in any way.

Please look out for the special services and events during Easter, including Egg Hunt and Messy Church.

The Church of Scotland has designated 2018 as the Year of Young People and more information will follow.

Our Church families aim to care for those around us in any way we can; share the Good News of Jesus, who came to save us, and who promises us eternal life with Him; pray for everyone locally and around the world.

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